Take the Stage
To differentiate adidas from other Olympic sponsors and to spark the interest of youth in the Games, we recruited 32 young ambassadors, one for each district in London, and showed that adidas makes dreams come true.
Differentiate adidas from other Olympic sponsors on a global scale and make the summer Olympics relevant to young people aged 13 to 19 who have lost interest in the event.
Show that adidas makes dreams come true. We recruited 32 young Londoners, shot 32 documentaries and two TV spots: one starring our recruits, inviting them to “Take the Stage” with adidas ambassadors like David Beckham; and a second telling the story of each British athlete before his or her sports event.
Search-click rates on Google hit 8% (as opposed to an average of 1% to 2%) and #TakeTheStage was mentioned 57,816 times for a total of 187 million impressions. It was the most effective adidas campaign of 2012.