Les gagnants de l’ADC à l’honneur dans une exposition interactive conçue par Sid Lee

Quand on nous a demandé de trouver une nouvelle façon originale de mettre en valeur la crème des gagnants du gala annuel de remise de prix de l’ADC à travers une exposition itinérante, nous avons relevé le défi avec joie. L'exposition a été dévoilée la semaine dernière au Festival OFFF de Barcelone et s'arrêtera bientôt dans plusieurs autres villes. En attendant, consultez l'article ci-dessous, qui fait mention des installations.
Article original publié par Agency Spy le 16 mai
The ADC (formerly known as The Art Directors Club), is launching a “one-of-a-kind traveling art exhibit that puts the design ahead of the content.” The exhibit showcases the winners of ADC’s 93rd Annual Awards in an interactive installation executed by a creative team at global ad agency Sid Lee.
The three-piece exhibit is steam punk themed and “makes you work for a sneak peek of the winning work” with simple machines, constructed by Sid Lee and Sid Lee Labs, that require user-interaction to bring the work to life. These machines include the following:
Bring the beat: Motion and Interactive: Visitors play a harpsichord-inspired instrument to trigger the Motion and Interactive winning work, which is projected onto a facing wall with each note
Honey, I shrunk the art: The Design, Photography and Illustration winning work was shrunk down to miniature sizes, and viewers look into a structure (part pinhole camera, part carousel, part light box and part microscope) that magnifies individual pieces
Take a ride on the wild side: The Advertising winners take a little more effort, encouraging viewers to hop a recumbent bicycle-structure and pedal enough energy to project the winning advertising work onto a facing screen To learn more about Sid Lee’s exhibit for ADC and the winners of the 93rd annual ADC Awards, check out ADC’s Instagram page.